Finished Desi! SO happy and so is his owner Rebecca. He was shaved down before the groups even started. He is so much more comfy and I am so happy that he is done. Now he can do what he loves, AGILITY! Not to mention, his first litter is due the end of June.
Showed Will, a friend's toller. Been having lots of fun with him in the breed ring. Only have lost BOB once (to a top 3 dog) since I have been put on the end of the lead. Love to show the dog. He is an beautiful toller and he makes me look good. His owners are a wonderful family and I am enjoying the ride with this beautiful boy.
Showed Jr Mint in the grup sat...he looked great and showed well. Just needs to grow up a bit!
One of my show handling students took a major reserve her first time out. I am a very proud teacher. Only 2 more weeks of show handing and then off for the summer. Friday nights are mine!
Agility shows for the next 4 weekends. I am pretty happy about that. Tangy and I are hitting stride and I need 4 QQs for nationals this year. I would really like to take her this year. I am having lots of fun with new puppy Hype as well. Shelties are very interesting little dogs! Oh, and Chrissy is pregnant! (see above for Desi's first litter).....
that is it for random for happiness.
I really enjoyed my weekend. It had a little dog show stuff, family stuff, house stuff, and hubby stuff. I showed, my parents came down and we went flower shopping. My mom and Shawn kept going and I took my dad back to the show to show in group with Will. As I was in the ring and took the dog around I heard his owners AS WELL AS MY DAD cheering. so cool. When Will got pulled in group I heard a very loud, "Yessss!" love it. Had a wonderful dinner with my parents and the next day put a pond in with my hubby. We bought a baby pool for the dogs and watched them have a great day too. I am happy.