Tuesday, January 10, 2012

People never stop surprising me

So I went to this new vegetarian place yesterday for lunch.  They have been open for a few weeks and the food is very good.  I ordered my hummus salad and while they were making it asked if I wanted a pita.  I said whole wheat but the person making my food told me they were out.  He was quite apologetic and I understood.  The person in front of me asks for a bag and he says the same thing, that they are out.  Again, apologising.  The customer raises his voice and asks, "WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?"  I am thinking, "Um, you have a pita in a box sealed and a salad in a box sealed, you can't carry it?"  Again, the worker apologises.  He makes a big thing saying how there are no whole wheat pits and no bags and how are they running this place, blah blah blah.  I could not believe people can be so mean.  I am sure the worker who is probably making less then $10 an hour did that on purpose.  So, I left and was very disappointed in people. 
When I got on the bus to go home, it was super hot.  I sat down and tried to get my winter coat off without making a scene.  The man next to me took the sleeve and pulled it off to assist me.  How nice!  He looked at me and said, "I know, very hot in here.  Glad I could help!"  and smiled.  OK, so my faith in people was restored. 

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